G8/G20 Youth Network and Summits

The G8/G20 Youth Network i

is constantly being enhanced by its enthusiastic G20 Country leaders and their non-governmental organizations, currently extending established G8 bonds to G20 countries.

The G8 & G20 Youth Summits are premier international Youth conferences that bring together young leaders representing the Group of Eight (G8) and Group of Twenty (G20) nations to facilitate discussions of international affairs, promote cross-cultural understanding, and build global friendships.

AUSTRALIA - Global Voices
ARGENTINA - Voces de America
BRAZIL - Global Attitude
CANADA - YouthCan for International Dialogue
CHINA - Lead Your Way
EU - Youth AEGIS
FRANCE - Youth Diplomacy
GERMANY - Policu Innovation e.V.
INDIA - Youth for Policy and Dialogue
INDONESIA - Youth G20 Indonesia
ITALY - Young Ambassadors Society
JAPAN - G8 Youth Summit Japan
RUSSIA - League of International Youth Diplomacy
SOUTH AFRICA - South African Youth for International Diplomacy
TURKEY - Youth Empowerment for International Diplomacy
U.K. - Youth Diplomatic Service
U.S.A. - Young Americans for Diplomatic Leadership
